News Releases
BiblioBios: Music and Dance Library operations manager combines musical skills and lifelong connection to community
It’s not surprising Gorton Music and Dance Library Operations Manager Chris Bohling feels at home on the Hill. As a kid, on snowy days he would trek up to where the west wing of Murphy Hall now sits, trailing his sled behind him. Before the addition of the library to that slope, Bohling repeatedly slid through the very spot that now occupies the library’s circulation desk – where he spends a good deal of time, making sure library processes flow smoother than a sled down a hill.
KU Libraries call for proposals for new exhibit program highlighting faculty research
KU Libraries are calling for proposals for the 2025/2026 David M. Bergeron and Geraldo Sousa Exhibit Program, which showcases the research of KU faculty using the extraordinary resources housed within Kenneth Spencer Research Library’s collections.
Re-creations of 1870s railway photos reveal profound change to Kansas, Colorado plains
A fascinating new book chronicling transformation on the plains of Kansas and western Colorado uses repeat photography — contemporary re-creations of 1870s photos — to reveal startling changes to the landscape.
KU Libraries now accepting nominations for the Shulenburger Award for Innovation & Advocacy in Scholarly Communication
KU Libraries’ Shulenburger Office of Scholarly Communication & Copyright is now accepting nominations for the annual David Shulenburger Award for Innovation & Advocacy in Scholarly Communication through Sept. 20.
Annual Review
The University of Kansas Libraries' publication that reviews accomplishments of the past year and a glimpse of priorities moving forward.
Bibliophile is published in print and online semi-annually by the University of Kansas Libraries for alumni, friends, and benefactors.
News from the libraries for the campus community is published each semester.
KU Alumni Magazine Ads
KU Libraries advertisements that appear in the KU Alumni Magazine.
User Brochures
These documents are available to users to learn about the services KU Libraries offers to students, faculty, and staff.