April Friedl, GIS Specialist, working with a student in the GIS and Data Lab.

GIS and Mapping Services

KU Libraries support mapping and geographic information systems (GIS) for teaching, learning, and research.

GIS Research Guide

We provide various resources including the GIS & Data Lab and assistance to help you:

  • Develop methods for data collection and formats
  • Select and access software and tools (desktop, commercial, open source, cloud software, free student ArcGIS licenses)
  • Create, edit and manipulate data
  • Find and organize data: local data, library/map collection sources, online data, data from campus GIS license
  • Integrate data into a GIS (visualize your data) such as latitude/longitude, addresses, places, scanned maps
  • Generate maps for posters, grant applications, presentations
  • Perform spatial analysis (ask geographic questions)
  • Preserve and share data
  • Learn and teach (with) GIS: campus workshops, course-integrated training, tutorials

Please see our GIS Research Guide for more information.

GIS and Data Contacts

GIS Resources
April Friedl, Senior GIS Analyst
Watson Library

Research Data
Jamene Brooks-Kieffer, Data Services Librarian
Watson Library

Digital Humanities
Watson Library
Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities