GIS and Mapping Services
KU Libraries support mapping and geographic information systems (GIS) for teaching, learning, and research.
GIS Research GuideWe provide various resources including the GIS & Data Lab and assistance to help you:
- Develop methods for data collection and formats
- Select and access software and tools (desktop, commercial, open source, cloud software, free student ArcGIS licenses)
- Create, edit and manipulate data
- Find and organize data: local data, library/map collection sources, online data, data from campus GIS license
- Integrate data into a GIS (visualize your data) such as latitude/longitude, addresses, places, scanned maps
- Generate maps for posters, grant applications, presentations
- Perform spatial analysis (ask geographic questions)
- Preserve and share data
- Learn and teach (with) GIS: campus workshops, course-integrated training, tutorials
Please see our GIS Research Guide for more information.