Data Carpentry Workshops

Data Carpentry teaches fundamental computational skills necessary for research. During a hands-on workshop, you will learn how to organize, clean, and query your data using open source tools. You will also learn how to reproducibly analyze and visualize your data using a programming language.

About Data Carpentry

Data Carpentry lessons are domain-specific. Well-developed curricula are available for Ecology, Genomics, Social Sciences, and Geospatial data. Curricula for other domains are under development and may be offered if time, expertise, and interest permit.

KU's cohort of certified Carpentries Instructors offer workshops multiple times per year. We do our best to time workshops around the academic calendar and class schedules. Receive news about upcoming workshops by subscribing to the ku-carpentries-news mailing list.

Upcoming Workshops

No Data Carpentry workshops are scheduled at this time. This page will be updated as workshops become available.


KU Libraries and KU Research


Jamene Brooks-Kieffer
Data Services Librarian
Watson Library