
Provides abstracts of articles on business and management from U.S. and international professional publications, academic journals, and trade magazines, and regional business publications. This also includes access to ABI/INFORM Dateline, Global, Trade & Industry, and Archive.

Contains over 13,000 news sources from over 200 countries and territories.

Indexing and abstracts covering business related, peer reviewed journals, books, case studies, company profiles, industry reports, and country economic reports.

Formerly known as Business Insights: Essentials, this database provides business and industry content in the following areas: periodical articles, news articles, and press releases; detailed information for domestic and international companies and associations, including information on corporate hierarchical structures; investment reports; corporate chronologies and company histories; brands and product information; industry and company rankings; financial overviews; industry overviews; HR Law Case Digests.

Offers full content access to journals published by Emerald in the EMX 120 and selected Engineering collections. Subjects covered include management, human resource management, marketing, librarianship, and mechanical and electrical engineering.

Includes full-text primary news sources, financial data, statistics, and legal information. A multilingual collection of news and information sources about the emerging markets of selected countries in Latin America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa. KU Libraries subscription includes access to the EMIS Intelligence product only.

Offers information on companies, including financial performance, key officers, competitors, and market trends.

Expert analysts provide reports for over 700 different market segments. Each industry report presents market research and industry information, and each market report is available online in HTML and PDF format. Reports are used for understanding market size, competitors, drafting business plans, pitch books, benchmarking, forecasting, business valuations, litigation support, due diligence and more.

KU has coverage for the most current year for the unlimited access to the following collections:

700+ US NAICS Industry Reports; 700+ US NAICS Industry iExpert Summaries; NEW 750+ US Specialized Industry Reports; NEW 750+ US Specialized Industry iExpert Summaries; 280+ China CICS Industry Reports; 70+ Global Industry Report

Provides access to authoritative, harmonized global statistical databases, including the following: International Financial Statistics: All aspects of international and domestic finance, with history to 1948. -- Direction of Trade: Value of exports and imports between countries and their trading partners, with history to 1980. -- Balance of Payments: International economic transactions data and International Investment Position, with history to 1960. -- Government Finance Statistics: Budgetary and extra-budgetary financial operations data of governments, with history to 1990. -- Coordinated Portfolio Investment Statistics: Countries' year-end holdings of portfolio investment securities. Users will be prompted to download a plugin entitled Microsoft Silverlight to use these products.

Presents comparative business statistics in a clear, straightforward manner, providing  detailed overviews of international companies, products and services. Includes a wide range of topics, from global positioning systems to laboratory equipment. Entries typically include: a description; a summary of the size of the market; a breakdown of market share by percentage; complete source citation; subject categories; SIC and NAICS code(s). Historical data allows researchers to track market trends over time. 

Cancelled due to budget constraints.  Access retained to 2011 - 2020.