ACM digital library
Contains bibliographic information, abstracts, reviews, and full-text for articles published in ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) periodicals and proceedings.
Contains bibliographic information, abstracts, reviews, and full-text for articles published in ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) periodicals and proceedings.
Collection of electronic pre-prints, and e-print service, in the fields of physics, mathematics, non-linear science and computer science.
Features nearly 300 full-text periodicals covering topics such as telecommunications, electronics, and the Internet.
Gartner is an “information technology” research and consulting firm that produces trade/professional resources about information technology and related business fields such as management and human resources for over thirty-five industries. KU faculty, staff and students have access to Gartner’s IT research library, “Hype Cycles” reports, market guides, industry trends, and more. Users must register with Gartner, accept terms of use and complete a profile for the customized dashboard. The advanced Boolean search option includes filtering by “content type”, board “initiative” topics, and industries.
Initial Account Set Up
Go to and use your KU Online ID and password to log in through KU's Single Sign-On page.
Follow the prompts to accept the terms and complete the set-up process.
Ongoing Access
Go to and use your KU Online ID and password to log in through KU's Single Sign-On page.
KU faculty, staff and students have access to Gartner's comprehensive research platform through KU Information Technology's subscription. For additional information and support see
Provides access to IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL). Includes full-text documents; IEEE and IET journals, magazines, transactions, and conference proceedings; all approved and published IEEE standards; complete backfile to 1988 and select content back to 1913; INSPEC abstract/citation records. KU's subscription does not include full text access to continuing education courses (multi-media), IEEE books (bibliographic information only) and draft standards. (Restricted to 15 simultaneous users.)
Provides access to the electronic editions of the research journals published by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Includes recently posted articles scheduled to appear in SIAM's print journals over the next one to two years.