Environmental Studies

Includes citations to material acquired by the National Agricultural Library and cooperating institutions and is the most comprehensive source of bibliographic information covering U.S. agricultural and life sciences.

Contains the full texts of various research journals focused on the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences.

Provides comprehensive, daily coverage of domestic and foreign environmental and energy politics and policy with electronic newsletters, journals, and webcasts. Publications include: Environmental and Energy Daily, OnPoint, Greenwire, E & E News P.M., E & E TV News, and Land Letter. E-mail alerts and extensive searchable archives are available for each publication.

Provides indexing and abstracts to the journal literature in the area of environmental policy and studies. The database covers applicable areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, environmental law, geography, marine & freshwater resources, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more. Formerly called: Environmental issues & policy index.

Interdisciplinary resource for environmental and sustainability studies. This resource provides news, video, primary source documents and through topic, organization, and country portals.

A comprehensive resource for research and communications in the geosciences, built on a core database aggregation of peer-reviewed journals indexed, linked, and inter-operable with GeoRef.

A freely accessible research database focusing on the relationship between human beings and the environment including topics such as global warming, recycling, and alternate fuel sources. Drawing on the connection between the environment and disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology, it includes the positive and the negative ways humans affect ecology.

Provides citation access to books and over 2,000 journals published by Elsevier in the following disciplines: science, technology, medicine, and social sciences. Full-text content is available to most of the journal titles 1995 to the present.

Indexes and abstracts citations in research journals across the disciplinary spectrum. Online version of: Arts and humanities citation index (1975-present); Science citation index (1900-present); and Social sciences citation index (1956-present).