Slavic Studies

UDB-EUR includes 10 active newspapers from the Baltics (4), Belarus (3), Moldova (1), and Ukraine (2), and the archives of eight other papers that have either ceased or were suspended.  Most Newspapers are in Russian.  "The Baltic Times", which covers all three Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) is the only English-language newspaper in the database. The newspaper from Tallin is in Estonian, and one of the newspapers from Ukraine is in Ukrainian.

"The Bibliography of Slavic Linguistics Online brings together the details of substantial number of unique publications, carefully selected, classified, cross-referenced and indexed by professional bibliographers."

UDB-CAC includes 30 newspapers from Central Asia and the Caucasus.  Most newspapers are in Russian. There are five English language newspapers.  The Times of Central Asia covers the five countries (-stans) in Central Asia; the other English language newspapers issue from Georgia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, there are also two Uzbek-language and one Tajik-language newspaper.

Universal Database of CIS and Baltic Publications (UDB-CIS) has ceased and been divided into two regional databases: Universal Database of Central Asia and the Caucasus (UDB-CAC) and Universal Database of Baltics, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine (UDB-EUR)

The database covers five publications from the Crimean peninsula, three ongoing and two discontinued titles. Active publications included "Krymskaia Pravda" (The Crimean Truth), a Russian-language regional daily based in Simferopol with extensive coverage of the region's primary political and economic developments and digital archives back to 2004; "Krymskie Izvestiia" (The Crimean News), which is the official newspaper of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea with digital archives available from January 2019; and "Slava Sevastopolia" (The Glory of Sevastopol), which covers political news, economic updates, cultural events, and sports coverage, with archives back to 2013.

Current Digest of the Russian Press (UDB-CD) provides weekly selections of Russian-language press materials, carefully translated into English. Translations are intended for use in teaching and research. They are therefore presented as documentary materials without elaboration or comment, and state the opinions and views of the original authors, not of the publisher of the journal.

The Digital Archive of the Russian National Bibliography aims to provide a complete collection of all chronicles (letopisi) that comprise the Russian National Bibliography published from 1917 to 2017. The complete collection consists of approximately 18,000 issues of which 8,600 issues have already been scanned and published online at Scanning and online publishing work done to date represent approximately half of the complete target collection. At present the Archive is already the largest online collection of historic Russian national bibliography records with full image browsing and keyword searching functionality.

East View's collection of 10 rare newspapers from the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine covers the period of military hostilities between the unrecognized states and the government of Ukraine (2013-2015), including when Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down near the city of Torez in the Donetsk Oblast. With sources primarily in Russian, this database allows analysts and researchers unprecedented access to articles and reports from these insurgent regions at the most important and critical junctures.