Josh Bolick

- Head, Shulenburger Office of Scholarly Communication & Copyright
Contact Info
Watson Library, 400A
Biography —
Josh is the Head of the David Shulenburger Office of Scholarly Communication & Copyright in KU Libraries. In this role, Josh provides services and instruction regarding scholarly publishing, author's rights, open access, the use of the KU ScholarWorks repository, visibility and impact of researchers and research outputs, and copyright and fair use as they apply to teaching and research. He received his undergraduate degree in History and Philosophy/Religion at the University of North Carolina Wilmington and his MLIS at Florida State University.
Research —
Josh's research advances principles of openness, author's rights, global access to scholarship, and open education. His research projects include an innovative approach to Elsevier's author sharing policy, and a long term project at the intersection of open education and scholarly communication that has resulted in an open book, Scholarly Communication Librarianship & Open Knowledge (ACRL, 2023), a companion collection of community-maintained open content about scholarly communication librarianship, and a number of related articles and presentations.
Research interests:
- open access
- author's rights
- open education
- scholarly communication
Selected Publications —
Bolick, J., Emmett, A., Greenberg, M. L., Peterson, A. T., and Rosenblum, B. (2024). Planet of the APCs: A decade of progress and setbacks in open access. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 12(2). doi:
Peterson, A. T., Cobos, M. E., Sikes, B., Soboron, J., Osorio-Olvera, L., Bolick, J., and Emmett, A. (2024). Relationships among cost, citation, and access in journal publishing by an ecology and evolutionary biology department at a U.S. university. PeerJ. doi: 10.7717/peerj.16514.
Bonn, M., Bolick, J., and Cross, W. (2023). Scholarly Communication Librarianship and Open Knowledge. Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries.
Cross, W., Bonn, M., and Bolick, J. (2022). Finding your way in academic librarianship: Introducing the Scholarly Communication Notebook. College & Research Libraries News, 83(10), 444. DOI:
Bonn, M., Cross, W., and Bolick, J. (2020). Finding Our Way: A Snapshot of Scholarly Communication Practitioners' Duties & Training. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 8(1), p.eP2328.
Peterson, A. T., Johnson, P. E., Barve, N., Emmett, A., Greenberg, M., Bolick, J., and Qiao, H. (2019). The NIH public access policy did not harm biomedical journals. PLOS Biology, 17(10) e3000352. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3000352
Bolick, J. (2018). Leveraging Elsevier’s Creative Commons License Requirement to Undermine Embargo [Journal Articles]. Journal of Copyright in Education and Librarianship, 2(2).
Bolick, J., Emmett, A., Greenberg, M. L., Rosenblum, B., and Peterson, A. T. (2017). How Open Access is Crucial to the Future of Science [Journal Articles]. Journal of Wildlife Management, 81.
Peterson, A. T., Emmett, A., Bolick, J., Greenberg, M., and Rosenblum, B. (2016). Subsidizing Truly Open Access [Journal Articles]. Science, 352(6292), 1404.
Selected Presentations —
Bolick, J., and Cross, W. (10/4/2024). 1.1 Basics and Definitions of ScholComm. Medical Library Association Scholarly Communication Caucus Book Discussion Series: Scholarly Communication Librarianship and Open Knowledge edited by Bonn, Bolick, and Cross.
Bolick, J., Cross, W., and Bonn, M. (8/6/2024). Open Access 101: Foundations. Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition Open Access 101: Foundations for OA Work in a Rapidly Evolving Landscape Series.
Bonn, M., Bolick, J., and Cross, W. (10/2/2023). Opening Your Classroom: Open Resources and Pedagogies as a Bridge to Practice in LIS. Association of Library and Information Science Educators Conference, Milwaukee, WI
Bolick, J., Bonn, M., and Cross, W. (4/6/2023). More than a Textbook: Librarianship as a Case Study for Building a Community and Opening Up a Discipline. OER23, Inverness, UK
Bolick, J., Bonn, M., and Cross, W. (12/7/2021). Taking a Page from the Scholarly Communication Notebook to Transform LIS Education. Coalition for Networked Information Conference.
Bolick, J. (10/21/2019). The Present and Future of Open Access [Keynote address]. University of KwaZulu-Natal Library Open Access Week 2019, Durban, South Africa
Bonn, M., Bolick, J., and Cross, W. (4/10/2019). OER+Scholarly Communication. Association of College and Research Libraries Biannual Conference. Cleveland, OH
Cross, W., Bolick, J., and Bonn, M. (11/6/2018). Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom: Planting Local Open Educational Resources that Will Spring Up Across the Field. The Charleston Conference. Charleston, SC.
Bonn, M., Bolick, J., and Cross, W. (10/12/2018). OER is for Everyone!: Granularity as an Approach to Scaling OER Creation through Open Canvas. Open Education Conference. Niagara Falls, NY
Bonn, M., Bolick, J., and Cross, W. (5/23/2018). Expanding Scholarly Communication Instruction for the Next Generation of LIS Leaders: Building an Open Educational Resource to Support the Work of Scholarly Communication. Library Publishing Forum. Minneapolis, MN.
Cross, W., Bolick, J., and Bonn, M. (10/12/2017). Walking the Walk for Open Pedagogy: Community Design of a Shared Open Educational Resource about Scholarly Communication for Librarians and Learners. Open Education Conference. Anaheim CA
Bolick, J. (6/5/2017). Exploiting Elsevier's Creative Commons License Requirement to Subvert Embargo. Kraemer Copyright Conference. Colorado Springs CO.
Awards & Honors —
Up and Comer Award, Against the Grain Media & The Charleston Conference. (2018)
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Senior Administrative Fellows. Office of Faculty Affairs, University of Kansas (2024 - 2025).
Scholarly Communication Notebook. LG-36-19-0021. Institute of Museum & Library Services and North Carolina State University. $247,128. (2019 - 2023). Federal. Status: Funded
Designing OERs To Prepare the Next Generation of Scholarly Communication Librarians. LG-72-17-0132-17. Institute of Museum & Library Services and North Carolina State University. $49,808. (2017 - 2018). Federal. Status: Funded
Open Educational Resources Research Fellow. Open Education Group. (1/1/2017 - 12/31/2018). Private Foundation. Status: Funded