Amalia Monroe-Gulick

  • Social Sciences Librarian

Contact Info

Watson Library, 350
1425 Jayhawk Boulevard
Lawrence, KS 66045

Selected Publications

Monroe-Gulick, A., Back, A., Geiger Wolfe, G., Outhier, S., Morris, S. (2024). Demand driven acquisitions in academic libraries: A scoping review. Journal of Academic Librarianship - Issue 3 | Volume 50.
Monroe-Gulick, A. (2024). Women and men in library and information science scholarship: Authorship trends from 2003 to 2021. Journal of Academic Librarianship - Issue 5 | Volume 50.
Monroe-Gulick, A., Morris, S. (2023). Diversity in Monographs: Selectors, Acquisitions, Publishers, and Vendors. Collection Management - Issue 3 | Volume 48.
Mchugh, A., Zane, T., Monroe-Gulick, A. (2023). Adults with autism using self-management to decrease problem behavior: A review of the literature. Behavioral Interventions.
Girolamo, T., Shen, L., Monroe-Gulick, A., Rice, M., Eigsti, I. (2023). Studies pertaining to language impairment in school-age autistic individuals underreport participant socio-demographics: A systematic review. Autism - Issue 8 | Volume 27.
Dvorak, A., Davis, J., Bernard, G., Beveridge-Calvin, R., Monroe-Gulick, A., Thomas, P., Forstot-Burke, C. (2020). Systematic Review of Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences: Implications for Music Therapy Education. Music Therapy Perspectives - Issue 2 | Volume 38.
Gross, J., Monroe-Gulick, A., Davidson-Gibbs, D., Nye, C., Dedrick, D. (2020). Multifaceted Interventions for Supporting Community Participation Among Adults with Disabilities: A Systematic Review. Campbell Systematic Reviews - Issue 2 | Volume 16.
Francis, G., Gross, J., Schmalzried, J., Monroe-Gulick, A., Reed, S. (2018). Supporting Students with Disabilities, Families, and Professionals to Collaborate During the Transition to Adulthood. International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities. (pp. 71-104).
Monroe-Gulick, A., Valentine, G., Brooks-Kieffer, J. (2017). "You Need to Have a Street Beat": A Qualitative Study of Faculty Research Needs and Challenges. Portal - Issue 4 | Volume 17.
Kliewer, G., Monroe-Gulick, A., Gamble, S., Radio, E. (2016). Using Primo for undergraduate research: a usability study. Library Hi Tech - Issue 4 | Volume 34.
Weller, T., Monroe-Gulick, A. (2015). Differences in the Data Practices, Challenges, and Future Needs of Graduate Students and Faculty Members. Journal of eScience Librarianship - Issue 1 | Volume 4.
Weller, T., Monroe-Gulick, A. (2014). Understanding methodological and disciplinary differences in the data practices of academic researchers. Library Hi Tech - Issue 3 | Volume 32.
Monroe-Gulick, A., O’Brien, M., White, G. (2013). Librarians as Partners: Moving from Research Supporters to Research Partners. Imagine, Innovate, Inspire: The Proceedings of the ACRL 2013 Conference - Pages 382-387.
Monroe-Gulick, A., Petr, J. (2012). Incoming Graduate Students in the Social Sciences: How Much Do They Really Know About Library Research?. Portal - Issue 3 | Volume 12.
Monroe-Gulick, A., Currie, L. (2011). Using the WorldCat Collection Analysis Tool: Experiences From the University of Kansas Libraries. Collection Management - Issue 4 | Volume 36.

Selected Presentations

<div class="fp-presentations fp-container"><div class="aca-presentation">Assessing Major Organizational Change: The Effects on Use of Library Resources and Services - Electronic Resources and Libraries. Location: Austin, Texas. (4-05-2016).</div><div class="aca-presentation">Building a Culture of Assessment: Local Responses to National Trends at the University of Kansas - 11th Northumbria Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services. Location: Edinburgh, UK. (7-20-2015).</div><div class="aca-presentation">Evaluating Research Needs by Methodology: Assessment at the University of Kansas - Research Data Access and Preservation Summit. Location: Minneapolis, MN. (4-24-2015).</div><div class="aca-presentation">Librarians as Partners: Moving from Research Supporters to Research Partners - Presentation, Association of College and Research Libraries Conference. Location: Indianapolis, IN. (4-11-2013).</div><div class="aca-presentation">Proving the Value of Libraries - Presentation, Charleston Conference. Location: Charleston, SC. (11-09-2012).</div></div>

Awards & Honors

Anschutz-Budig Outstanding Librarian Award. University of Kansas Libraries. Received: 10-21-2021.