Andi Back

- Associate Librarian / Fine Arts and Humanities Librarian
Contact Info
Watson Library, 440
Biography —
Andi oversees collections supporting the curricular needs in art, art history, design, architecture, and urban planning, providing in-depth research consultations and advanced information literacy workshops.
Education —
History of Art, University of Kansas, 2018, Lawrence, KS
Library and Information Science, University of Wisconsin, 2009, Milwaukee, WI
Fine Arts, University of Wisconsin, 2007, River Falls, WI
Selected Publications —
Back, Andi, and Sara E. Morris. 2021. “Patrons, Vendors, and Delivery: Print Demand Driven Acquisitions at the University of Kansas.” Journal Articles. Technical Services Quarterly 38 (2): 109–22.
Pad, Becca, Ginny Moran, Andi Back, Mary Wassermann, Caley Cannon, and Emilee Mathews. 2019. “State of Academic Art Libraries 2019: ARLIS/NA Academic Library Division Report.” Reports.
Back, Andi. 2018. “The Collecting Practices for Art Exhibition Catalogs at Academic Libraries in the United States and Canada.” Journal Articles. Art Documentation 37 (1): 104–18.
Back, Andi. 2016. Lost in the Stacks: Helping Undergraduate Students Navigate the Library Labyrinth. Conference Proceedings. Brick & Click Libraries: An Academic Library Conference.
Selected Presentations —
Back, A., Pitt, A., Peter, C., Painter, K., Emerson, M., & Goodrich, B. (4/21/2020). Reimagining Unique Collections Through Digitization. Art Libraries Society of North America Annual Conference. Virtual
Back, A., Pad, B., Moran, G., & Cannon, C. (3/28/2019). Insights for the Future: Exploring Trends and Issues in Academic Art Libraries. Art Libraries Society of North America Annual Conference. Salt Lake City
Creative Works —
Lewis Lindsay Dyche's Great Panorama. Back, A. & Pitt, A. 12/31/2019.
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Writing the Unthinkable. $2315.00. Submitted 1/1/2019 (12/31/2020). University (KU or KUMC). Status: Funded