Angela Rathmel

- Associate Librarian, Head of Acquisitions & Resource Sharing
Contact Info
Watson Library, 450
Biography —
Since beginning work in Acquisitions in 2000, I have been exploring and building connections between public and technical services in libraries. I am interested in organizational responses to change, particularly with respect to organizational communication, information seeking, and knowledge management. One example I'm currently pursuing in my research is how the reference interview, traditionally used by public services, can be applied in technical services and electronic resources troubleshooting.
Research —
Research interests:
- information management
- sense-making
- organizational communication
Selected Publications —
Rathmel, Angela, Judith Emde, and George Stochakas. 2018. “Is ‘E’ for Everybody?: Reorganizing to Fit E-Resources across Acquisitions and Resource Sharing at the University of Kansas Libraries.” Book Chapters. In Reengineering the Library: Advances in Electronic Resources Management.
Brangiel, Jessica, Erin Finnerty, Stephanie Larrison, Angela Rathmel, Breanna Webb, and Tiffany Wick. 2016. “Reports of Conferences, Institutes, and Seminars.” Reports. Edited by Kurt Blythe. Serials Review. Taylor & Francis.
Goergen-Doll, Kerri, Lars Leon, Angela Rathmel, and Beth Posner. 2016. “Chapter 2, Library Collection Building – Acquisitions & Collection Development.” Book Chapters. In Library Information and Resource Sharing: Transforming Services and Collections.
Brangiel, Jessica, Erin Finnerty, Stacy R. Konkiel, Angela Rathmel, Patrick Rudd, Sofia Slutskaya, Jennifer Smith, and Esta Tovstiadi. 2015. “Reports of Conferences, Institutes, and Seminars.” Reports. Edited by Kurt Blythe. Serials Review. Taylor & Francis.
Rathmel, Angela, Liisa Mobley, Buddy Pennington, and Adam Chandler. 2015. “Tools, Techniques, and Training: Results of E-Resources Troubleshooting Survey.” Journal Articles. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship 27 (2).
Rathmel, A., and M. A. Claassen. 2012. “Book Collecting Contests in the Digital Age: Relevance and Impact of New Media.” Journal Articles. International Journal of the Book 9 (4): 17–30.
Selected Presentations —
Rathmel, A., Johnson, E., Marien, S., Ogle, V., & Sung, N. (6/22/2018). Hacking Acq: Tools and Apps for Better Acquisitions Workflow. ALA Annual Conference, Preconference. New Orleans, LA
Rathmel, A., Emde, J., & Montgomery, K. (4/3/2016 - 4/3/2016). Is “E” for Everybody? Reorganizing to Fit E-Resources across Blended Departments. Electronic Resources & Libraries. Austin, TX
Rathmel, A. (9/30/2015 - 9/30/2015). Communicating effectively with e-resources stakeholders from IT specialists to technophobic patrons. E-Resources Bootcamp: Becoming an Expert at E-Resources in Your Library - Preconference at the joint conference of the Kansas and Missouri Library Associations. Kansas City, MO
Currie, L., & Rathmel, A. (5/1/2014). Big Deals and Squeaky Wheels: Taking Stock of your Stats. Presentation, Preconference, 2014 North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) Annual Conference. Dallas, TX
Awards & Honors —
IRDL Scholar
Institute of Research Design in Librarianship (IRDL), Loyola Marymount University
2018 - 2019
Institute of Research Design in Librarianship (IRDL), Loyola Marymount University
2018 - 2019
Anschutz-Budig Outstanding Librarian Award
KU Libraries
KU Libraries