Lars Leon

- Librarian, Resource Sharing Librarian, Head of Organizational Development
Contact Info
Watson Library, 210
Biography —
Continues to be involved with resource sharing as I collaborate with other leaders in the newly combined Acquisitions and Resource Sharing Department. So plenty of data, assessment, technology, and other means of helping this blended department. I also help provide and support others in a variety of library staff and organization development needs from facilitation, project management, Strengths, and more.
Research —
Involve the values our patrons place on our services, assessment, and various types of organizational development. Creativity and innovation are vital components of much of his research interests.
Research interests:
- values
- best practices
- resource sharing
- organizational development
- staff development
Selected Publications —
Leon, L., Kochan, C. (2022). Collective and Creative Learning to Enhance Interlibrary Loan. Journal of Library Resource Sharing - Issue 3-5 | Volume 30.
Goergen-Doll, K., Rathmel, A., Leon, L., Posner, B. (2017). Library Collection Building: The Interlocking Functions of ILL, Acquisitions, and Collection Development. Library Information and Resource Sharing: Transforming Services and Collections. (pp. 73-92). Libraries Unlimited. [9781440849688.00].
Duncan, J., Kochan, C., Leon, L. (2015). We Sincerely Regret to Inform You That the Material You Have Requested Is Unavailable via Interlibrary Loan. The Importance of Being Ernest: Charleston Conference Proceedings, 2014.
Little, M., Leon, L. (2015). Assessing the value of ILL to our users: a comparative study of three US libraries. Interlending and Document Supply - Issue 1 | Volume 43.
Kochan, C., Leon, L. (2013). Revisiting interlibrary loan best practices: still viable?. Interlending and Document Supply - Issue 4 | Volume 41.
Leon, L., Kress, N. (2012). Looking at resource sharing costs. Interlending and Document Supply - Issue 2 | Volume 40.
Selected Presentations —
Developing our Services through Understanding the Values our Patrons Place on our Services - Kansas Library Conference. Location: Wichita, KS. (10-25-2017).
Primed for Change and Ready for Anything: Empowering Staff Through Effective Development - OCLC Resource Sharing Conference. Location: Virginia Beach, VA. (3-15-2017).
Understand How Your Patrons Value Your Service and What to Do With the Data Including Training - 12th Nordic Resource Sharing, Reference, and Collection Management Conference. Location: Copenhagen, Denmark. (10-13-2016).
It's About the Data & So Much More - IDS Project 11th Annual Conference (keynote). Location: Watertown, NY. (7-30-2015).
How Our Patrons Value Our Resource Sharing Services and why it should Matter to you - Presentation, 12th Northwest Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing Conference. Location: Portland, OR. (9-13-2013).
An Updated Look at Resource Sharing Costs - Presentation, 10th Nordic Resource Sharing, Reference and Collection Management Conference. Location: Reykjavik, Iceland. (10-04-2012).
Creating Successful Library Alliances through Group Best Practices - Presentation, Information Delivery Services Project Conference. Location: Albany, NY. (8-02-2011).
Awards & Honors —
<div class="fp-award fp-container"><div class="aca-award">Phi Beta Delta (Honor Society for International Scholars). Received: 11-07-2016.</div><div class="aca-award">Beta Phi Mu. Emporia State University. Received: 9-01-1997.</div><div class="aca-award">Virginia Boucher-OCLC Distinguished ILL Librarian Award for 2015. American Library Association. Received: 3-03-2015.</div><div class="aca-award">Anschutz-Budig Outstanding Librarian Award, 2014. University of Kansas Libraries. Received: 9-04-2014.</div><div class="aca-award">Beginning Professional Award, College and University Libraries. Kansas Library Association. Received: 12-31-1999.</div></div>