Marianne Reed

- Digital Publishing and Repository Manager
Contact Info
Biography —
I've made a career exploring my fascination with the intersection between technology and people. I feel at home working in libraries because I was raised by a librarian and, as a child, spent all of my summers shelving books, checking out materials, and answering patron’s questions. I have a degree in History & Anthropology, with physics, biology and other sciences added to the mix. As Digital Publishing and Repository Manager in the University of Kansas Libraries, I manage the user side of KU ScholarWorks, KU’s online institutional repository, helping KU scholars make their research available to a world-wide audience. I am the public face of the Libraries’ digital publishing program, assisting members of the KU community in publishing journals and monographs online and providing assistance with the OJS and DSpace platforms. I’ve also served as the project manager for several digital projects involving staff from across the Libraries, including the World War II: The African American Experience oral history project and, most recently, the Nicodemus Historical Society Collection.