Michiko Ito

- Librarian; Japanese Studies Librarian
Contact Info
Watson Library, 550
Research —
Research interests:
- Japan-US relations, Japanese popular culture, anime, Interlibrary Loan, ebook lending,
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- database, bibliography, anime, Japanese language
Selected Publications —
Ito, Michiko. 2015. “電子書籍貸出サービスの現状と課題 米国公共図書館の経験から.” Journal Articles. 情報管理 58 (1). https://doi.org/10.1241/johokanri.58.28.
Ito, Michiko. 2011. “「米国大学図書館におけるILL活動の発達と現状(The Development and Current Conditions of Interlibrary Loan in the United States Academic Libraries)」.” Journal Articles. 情報の科学と技術 (The Journal of Information Science and Technology Association) 61 (10): 401–9. http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110008750529.
Ito, Michiko. Accepted/In Press. “米国公共図書館における電子書籍貸出サービスの現状 (Current Conditions of the Ebook Lending Service in US Public Libraries).” Book Chapters. In 脱・公立図書館 (Post Public Libraries).
Selected Presentations —
Ito, M. (11/4/2014 - 11/4/2014). 今、米国公共図書館で電子書籍はどうなっているかー米国司書からのメッセージー. 日本電子出版協会フォーラム. Tokyo, Japan