
Corresponds to the printed L'Annee Philologique, the international critical and analytical bibliography of ancient Greek and Latin languages and literatures and classical studies. This electronic version covers from 1928-2015. 

Cambridge Companions searches across the Companions for Literature and Classics; Philosophy, Religion, and Culture; and Music.

The Cambridge Companions to Literature and Classics collection offers comprehensive and accessible essays on major authors, periods and genres, written by experts and designed for student readers. For the author Companions, each writer is placed in literary and historical context; their major works are analyzed, either in separate chapters or grouped according to theme.

Provides a combination of indexing, abstracts, images, and full text for scholarly and general interest journals embracing all academic disciplines and spanning at least 25 years.

Contains Latin text from more than 3200 works and 950 authors. From the literature of antiquity to neo-Latin literature.

Contains Latin text from more than 3200 works and 950 authors. From the literature of antiquity to neo-Latin literature.

The Literary Encyclopedia is an online reference work that provides authoritative articles about literary and cultural history. Coverage includes English-language, Classical, German, French and Francophone, Hispanic, Italian, Russian, East European, and other world literatures. Over 7800 articles are included, with 20-40 new articles currently being added each month.

Loeb Classical Library is a digital library of more than 520 volumes of Greek and Latin texts with their English translations. Works of epic and lyric poetry, drama, history, philosophy, medicine, religion, mathematics, and more are included in this resource. Bookmarking and annotation features are available to users.

Provides expert commentary. Subject coverage includes: African Studies, Anthropology, Art History, Chinese Studies, Classics, Latino Studies, International Law, Latin American Studies, and Music.

Due to budget constraints, Cinema and media studies and Sociology have been cancelled and are no longer available as of July 1, 2024.

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