Government Information

Includes the federal, state, and international publications: Tax Notes Today Federal, Tax Notes Today State, and Tax Notes Today International. Provides special reports, analytical articles, investigative reports, and commentary from leading practitioners, scholars, and government officials. Includes an online archive of articles written by tax experts, as well as a tax calendar covering important events and conferences. Registration is required.  Follow these steps for your initial sign in.

Primary source material, including maps, from the bound, sequentially numbered volumes of all the reports, documents, and journals of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. Searchable by subject, publication category, standing committee author, and other parameters. 

Texts from the bound, sequentially numbered volumes of all the reports, documents, and journals of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.

A portal that retrieves data series from the United Nations System and other international organizations. Sources include FAO, ILO, WHO, and the Human Development Report. Country profiles and glossaries are also provided.

Portal for the World Bank Development Data Development Group that coordinates statistical and data work and maintains a number of macro, financial and sector databases. Topics include: agriculture, environment, financial sector, health, poverty, and many more.