Campus community invited to State of the Libraries Address
KU Libraries Dean Carol Smith will present the State of the Libraries Address on Thursday, March 21, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. in Watson Library 3 West. KU students, faculty, and staff are welcome to attend as Dean Smith and the libraries’ leadership team review the past year of achievements and initiatives. They will also briefly preview the libraries’ new strategic plan.
The presentation will be live-streamed and can be accessed here.
KU Libraries house 5.6 million items in six campus locations and host 1.2 million visits per year, with 3 million articles accessed online. With a history of advancing open scholarship, KU Libraries’ work currently includes the digital publication of 56 open journals, hosting nearly 30,000 items in KU ScholarWorks. Carol Smith took the helm as dean of libraries in July 2023.