Textbook Heroes
Axel Heinichen
OER student assistant and
sophomore studying business
Accessible Adaptation:
Axel Heinichen is a KU Libraries OER student assistant and sophomore studying business. Heinichen's projects include transitioning OER created through the Libraries’ OER Grant Program to Pressbooks, a digital publishing platform specifically designed to support the adoption, adaptation, and creation of open textbooks. Migrating OER to this platform will make them more usable and accessible. Heinichen brings a valuable student perspective to KU Libraries' OER Working Group, and has been instrumental in shaping and contributing to Open Education Week and other outreach activities.
OER Impact on KU Students:
“We had a discussion when he was first starting to work about open textbooks and how it differs from having a licensed online textbook, where the license might restrict access just for that semester or maybe beyond the semester. But OERs you always have and may not read cover to cover, but you can refer to throughout your academic career.” - Carmen Orth-Alfie, assistant librarian and Heinichen’s supervisor.