Contains full-text peer reviewed journal articles as well as newspapers, blogs, wire services, and general interest periodicals from across all academic disciplines.

This resource is supported through collaborative efforts between the KU Libraries and the State Library of Kansas.

Contains a very large collection of the Alexander Street Press streaming video, including topics in history, art, international studies, dance, theater, and more.

This freely accessible database indexes thousands of theses and dissertations by American universities from 1902 to the present and provides links to full text where available.

An App for your iPad or Android tablet that lets you download and browse scholarly journals using your KU Online ID and password.  

Cambridge Core searches across Cambridge University Press’s book and journal content.

Please note that searches may retrieve content outside KU's full-text coverage which you will not be able to download. Please use Interlibrary Loan service to request these materials.

Drawn from the records of the British Colonial Office, this collection contains resources covering 25 islands from 1624-1832. Among the topics covered are rivalries among other European colonizers, absentee landlords, the rise and decline of the slave trade, and start of the abolition movement.

Access to primary sources, videos, and scholarly research relate to disability studies from around the globe covering the history of the social movements surrounding disability.

Contains citations and abstracts of dissertations and theses submitted by the University of Kansas and published in UMI's Dissertations Abstracts database, and full text of KU dissertations published after 1996 and KU theses published after 2005.

Provides authoritative, credible e-books from scholarly publishers.  Access is also available to mobile devices.

Contains a searchable collection of electronic books on the EBSCO platform which can be viewed or read online. All titles are also accessible from the KU Online Catalog.  (Restricted to 1 simultaneous user per book.)

This resource is supported through collaborative efforts between the KU Libraries and the State Library of Kansas.

Provides access to worldwide patent information. Patents by member states of the European Patent Office and the World Intellectual Property Organization are included. Years of coverage and availability of full text and images vary by country.

Records for all doctoral theses awarded by UK higher education institutions and free access to the full-text to as many theses as possible; coordinated by the British Library.  Records date back to 1800.

Contains peer-reviewed, full-text articles in the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects.

Provides a combination of indexing, abstracts, images, and full text for scholarly and general interest journals embracing all academic disciplines and spanning at least 25 years.

Indexes newspapers, newswires and a collection of refereed academic journals, business publications, technology periodicals, general interest magazines as well as specialty titles in law, health care and computers. General OneFile includes more than 7,800 full-text titles; hundreds of newspapers -- a total of nearly 12,000 titles in all with more than 30 years of backfile coverage from 1980 to present.

A tool for searching the full text of books.  For each book and depending on the permission of the author or the publisher you will be able to see a few sentences of your search term in context, a few sample pages or the full book. Links provided to book reviews, synopses, sources to purchase the book, and to libraries that hold the books.

A digital repository of collections (books and journals) of some of the major research libraries in the United States. More than 30% of the content is in the public domain or Creative Commons licensed and is freely available to view, download and print. Items designated with "Full view" are available for download. Please login to HathiTrust in order to download and print content. After you click on login, select University of Kansas as the partner institution, then enter your KU online ID and password. To print pages, first download content to PDF and print from Adobe (or similar) software. See the Libraries' HathiTrust Help & Tutorials for more information.

Indexes the most important journals in the humanities and social sciences published in North America and Europe from 1907 to 1984. (Restricted to 2 simultaneous users.)

A multidisciplinary research tool that provides a systematic, objective way to determine the relative importance of journals within their subject categories. Available in two editions: the Science Edition and The Social Sciences Edition. Includes the subject matter each journal covers (Scope Notes), which journals are related by citation or subject, contents of each journal issue and where the journal can be found. Coverage is 2004 to present. Consult the library catalog for data available from previous years.

Includes varied coverage for the years 2002-2012. Other years are covered in the print edition with the same title. Among the titles indexed are: Kansas!, Kansas History, Southeast Kansas Living.

This resource is supported through collaborative efforts between the KU Libraries and the State Library of Kansas.

Provides access to state, county, local and other public and business information for Kansas citizens. Also provides links to a number of "premium" or "subscriber" online services. Official website of the State of Kansas.

KU ScholarWorks is an open access digital repository for scholarly work created by the faculty and staff of the University of Kansas. KU ScholarWorks makes important research available to a wider audience and helps assure its long-term preservation.

Using the Libby app, users can access ebooks and audiobooks.  KU users have access to most books for 21 days and are limited to three books at time. Be sure to return books when you have finished.

  1. Download or open Libby on your device.  Google Play or App Store. If you’d like you can also read via
  2. Open the Libby App.
  3. Click on Yes when asked “do you have a library card?”
  4. Then click on “Search for a Library.”
  5. Enter “University of Kansas.”
  6. Select “University of Kansas.”
  7. Then click on "Sign In With My Card.”
  8. After the warning, click “Next.”
  9. Enter your KU Online ID and Password. Then use DUO to authenticate.
  10. Start browsing!

Provides links to full-text where available for more than one million records of electronic theses and dissertations.

Contains records of open archive digital resources that lead to digitized books, articles, audio & video files, data sets, theses and more. Freely available material accessible through institutional repositories like KU ScholarWorks are searched through OAIster.

Provides full-text online access to selected scholarly journals by the Oxford University Press. Disciplines covered are humanities, social sciences, and the sciences.

This resource is supported through collaborative efforts between the KU Libraries and the KU Medical Center.

Streaming documentaries and programs from the Public Broadcasting Service. Coverage runs from the 1970s to present day, and spans a wide range of topics including history, science and technology, diversity studies, business, current events, and biographies.”

A comprehensive research database that provides access to a vast collection of scholarly journals, ebooks, dissertations, news articles, and videos across multiple disciplines that are international in scope.

Provides access to a subset of the ISSN Register comprising of bibliographic records which describe scholarly resources in Open Access which have been assigned an ISSN by the ISSN Network: journals, conference proceedings and academic repositories. 

Indexes SAGE publications in business, humanities, social sciences, science, technology and medicine and includes full-text access to some of the content.

Provides early access to scholarship by publishing article abstracts and the full-text access to preprints/working papers for leading scholarly journals. The SSRN includes author contact information to facilitate scholarly communication. The networks that make up the SSRN include: accounting; cognitive science; corporate; economics; entrepreneurship; financial; health; information; leadership; legal; management; marketing; negotiations; political; social insurance; classics; English and American literature; philosophy.

The online version of Social Sciences Citation Index has been incorporated into the Web of Science database.

Provides access to e-journals and books published by Taylor & Francis and its imprints including Routledge.  KU does not subscribe to every title provided by Taylor and Francis.

This resource is supported through collaborative efforts between the KU Libraries and the KU Medical Center.

 Provides detailed information on print and electronic serials published throughout the world in all subjects. It includes publications that are published regularly or irregularly, open access or by paid subscription. Includes daily and weekly newspapers, as well as serials that ceased publication since 1979.

Provides citation access to books and journals published by Wiley in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Full-text content is available to selected journal titles from 1997 to the present.

This resource is supported through collaborative efforts between the KU Libraries, the KU Medical Center, and the School of Law.

Includes millions of records describing items owned by OCLC member libraries, including the KU Libraries.