Mary McCorison Rosenbloom Fund

Mary McCorison Rosenbloom was a valued colleague and dear friend to the KU Libraries and the University community.  In recognition of her commitment to teaching and library instruction, her family, friends and colleagues have established a fund in her memory with the Kansas University Endowment Association.

The annual income generated by the fund will be used for the following purposes, in alternate years.  For 2024, please send nominations only for the Special Initiative Fund.

1.  Special Initiative Fund.  On a biennial basis, the annual income of the Fund will honor Mary's "can-do" spirit by allowing the Libraries to identify and fill a practical, visible need for improvements to the Libraries' service to faculty and students.  Proposals for uses of this fund will be solicited from Library staff and selected for implementation by the Dean of Libraries (Awarded in even years, e.g. 2024, 2026, 2028 etc.).

2.  Quality Teaching Fund/Award.  Mary was deeply committed to the Libraries' instructional program.  Just as the teaching faculty throughout the University are recognized in various ways for exemplary instruction, this biennial award will recognize and reward library faculty or staff for quality teaching or support the purchase of special equipment to augment the instruction program (Awarded in odd years, e.g. 2023, 2025, 2027 etc.). 


Please submit nominations to Sharon Riley (  by Friday, October 18, 2024 at 5:00pm.