Sanders Scholars Award

The Sanders Scholars program, created through a gift from William J. Crowe and his wife Nancy P. Sanders, in memory of her parents, provides funding for a graduate or undergraduate scholarship for students on the Lawrence campus of the University of Kansas who are working with a librarian mentor in the Libraries.

Objectives of the program are to provide an opportunity for selected students to learn about the evolving practice of librarianship and the prospects for a career in the field, and to provide an opportunity for librarians to be recognized for and encouraged in their efforts to serve as mentors of students who wish to consider librarianship as a career.

Interested library faculty will be invited to participate in a call for nominations, and will propose a plan for a potential Sanders Scholar. The originator of the selected proposal will then be allowed to seek an undergraduate or graduate student to fill the scholar position for the coming academic year. The award supports up to 300 hours of work at a pay rate of $15 per hour. This could be used for an up to 15 hour per week position for the duration of a semester, or for a different arrangement as specified in the application.

The culmination of this project will include a public presentation by the mentor and the Sanders Scholar.


All full-time KU Libraries faculty are eligible. The most recent winner cannot apply the for the next award cycle.

Required Application Materials

  • A 2-5 page Project Proposal that includes:
    • The project outcome
    • A high-level timeline
    • 2-3 learning objectives for the student
    • A brief statement on the librarian’s mentoring philosophy
  • A draft position description for the student that includes:
    • A brief statement of responsibilities
    • Required skills/qualifications
    • Preferred skills/qualification
    • Work schedule expectations


Criteria for Selection

  • relevance of proposed project to the practice of librarianship
  • impact of proposed project on strategic directions for the libraries
  • feasibility of proposed project
  • learning objectives for student mentee


Applications for the award will be reviewed by the Dean. All applicants will be informed of the Dean’s decision prior to the announcement of the successful proposal.

All nomination materials will be considered confidential. Materials are due July 26, 2024 at 5 p.m. submitted via the Application Form. Questions should be sent to Sharon Riley, at