New and Updated Databases

New and Updated Databases December 2024

The following databases and e-resources have been recently changed or added to KU Libraries' collections. A list of database trials is also available.

New to Databases A-Z

Digital National Security Archive - Digital National Security Archive (DNSA) contains primary documents central to U.S. foreign and military policy since 1945. Collections cover the most critical world events, countries, and U.S. policy decisions from post-World War II through the 21st century.

Gartner (Online) - Gartner is an “information technology” research and consulting firm that produces trade/professional resources about information technology and related business fields such as management and human resources for over thirty-five industries.  KU faculty, staff and students have access to Gartner’s IT research library, “Hype Cycles” reports, market guides, industry trends, and more. Users must register with Gartner, accept terms of use and complete a profile for the customized dashboard. 

Topeka Capital-Journal Collection, 1948-current - Kansas' Capital's major newspaper with full digital images starting in 1948.

Updates to Databases A-Z

Title changes / URL changes / Platform changes:

All-Russia population census 2002: Vserossiiskaia perepis' naseleniia 2002 - URL change effective December 6, 2024.

Cancelled Databases

CQ researcher online - Cancelled due to budget constraints.  Access retained to 1924-2024. 
NOTE: On the publisher’s website, the Quick filters default is Publication Date range 2006-present, however, if you click on the page arrow to "Go to the last page," you’ll find that content goes all the way back to 1923.

Plunkett research online - Cancelled due to budget constraints. Access expired November 30, 2024 

Please refer to the Libraries' Budget Update page to review resources identified for non-renewal.