
Thu, 06/06/2019

Spencer Research Library announce Derrick E. White as the 2019 Alyce Hunley Whayne Visiting Researchers Travel Award Winner

The University of Kansas Libraries announce the recipient of the fourth annual Alyce Hunley Whayne Visiting Researchers Travel Award winner is Derrick E. White. ...

Tue, 04/30/2019

KU Libraries add student body president to spring Textbook Heroes cohort

The University of Kansas Libraries, in collaboration with the Shulenburger Office of Scholarly Communication & Copyright, are pleased to announce that Noah Ries, 2018-19 KU student body president, has joined the inaugural Textbook Heroes cohort. ...

Fri, 04/26/2019

KU Libraries faculty member named American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC) Fellow

The University of Kansas Libraries have announced that Whitney Baker, head of conservation services, has been named an American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC) Fellow. The honor recognizes her distinguished contributions to the field of conservation. ...

Tue, 04/23/2019

KU Debate will present "Resolved: The Authority of the President of the United States Should Be Substantially Curtailed"

KU Libraries will host a Gallery Lecture Series presentation by the University of Kansas debate team and Scott Harris, director and coach. The presentation, titled “Resolved: The Authority of the President of the United States Should Be Substantially Curtailed,” will take place from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Friday, April 26,...

Thu, 04/18/2019

KU receives NEH-Mellon Humanities Open Book Program grant

With support from a two-year, $129,000 grant, the University of Kansas Libraries and the University Press of Kansas will convert out-of-print humanities texts into freely accessible digital resources. This project is part of the Humanities Open Book grant program led by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the National Endowment...

Wed, 03/27/2019

KU Libraries to host visiting scholar Dr. Paloma Vargas Montes

The University of Kansas Libraries, along with support from the Institute of Digital Research in the Humanities and other campus sponsors, will host visiting scholar Dr. Paloma Vargas Montes in April. ...

Tue, 03/19/2019

KU Libraries announce Textbook Heroes initiative, inaugural cohort

The University of Kansas Libraries, in collaboration with the Shulenburger Office of Scholarly Communication & Copyright, are pleased to announce Textbook Heroes, a new initiative spotlighting KU faculty, staff, instructors and students who advocate for textbook affordability. Textbook Heroes are identified among those who have adapted, adopted, created or championed...

Fri, 02/15/2019

"For the People" exhibition to open in the Haricombe Gallery Feb. 19

The University of Kansas Libraries will open a new exhibition in the Haricombe Gallery in Watson Library on Tuesday, Feb. 19. “For the People: KU Libraries Celebrate 150 Years of Publicly Accessible Government Information” is a transdisciplinary exhibition showcasing research and creative work that explores the intrinsic value of government...

Mon, 01/28/2019

"Meet the Spencers: A Marriage of Arts & Sciences" exhibition on display at Kenneth Spencer Research Library

The University of Kansas Libraries will open a new exhibition in the Kenneth Spencer Research Library this spring. “Meet the Spencers: A Marriage of Arts and Sciences” features a personal look at Kenneth A. and Helen F. Spencer, avid supporters of KU and KU Libraries. ...

Thu, 01/10/2019

KU Libraries accepting applications for fourth annual Research Sprints

The University of Kansas Libraries are now accepting applications for the fourth annual Research Sprints, a program offering faculty and academic staff the chance to work intensively with a team of expert librarians for one week on a research or instruction project. ...

Media Contacts

Wendy Conover

KU Libraries

(785) 864-8051

Kevin McCarty

KU Libraries

(785) 864-6428