The video archive includes all programming from the three C-SPAN's networks. Coverage spans Congressional sessions from 1987-present with special indexing by person with full text transcripts. Other access points include: subject, speaker names, titles, affiliations, sponsors, committees, categories, formats, policy groups, keywords, location, congressional calendar, and programming date/time.
C19 Index includes the Nineteenth Century Short Title Catalogue, The Wellesley Index, Poole's Index, Periodicals Index Online, and American Periodicals Series. It indexes books, government publications, archival collections, and serials.
Cahiers d’Art Institute is a publisher of digital catalogues raisonnés. Combining the rigors of art historical research with the flexibility of digital publishing Cahiers d’Art catalogues provide the most up to date and accurate information on artists and their work. Currently there are catalogues available for Agnes Martin, Chuck Close, Jim Dine, Tim Hawkinson, Sol LeWitt, and James Siena. Forthcoming catalogues include artists Carl Andre, Tara Donovan, Robert Irwin, and Bosco Sodi to name a few.
Cambridge Companions searches across the Companions for Literature and Classics; Philosophy, Religion, and Culture; and Music.
Cambridge Companions to Music provide information on composers, instruments or musical topics, written with the student, the performer and the music lover in mind. Each volume provides structured series of essays by leading authorities offering comprehensive coverage and reference material.
The Cambridge Companions series offers collections of essays which are intended to serve as reference works for an inter-disciplinary audience of students and non-specialists. Addressing topics and figures ranging from Plato through Kant to Habermas, and philosophical movements such as the Scottish Enlightenment and German Idealism.
Cambridge Core searches across Cambridge University Press’s book and journal content.
Please note that searches may retrieve content outside KU's full-text coverage which you will not be able to download. Please use Interlibrary Loan service to request these materials.
This electronic version of Cambridge Histories contains over 300 volumes and all the titles published to date in this series. These detailed histories cover all aspects of the humanities and social sciences and are an excellent place to learn basic knowledge of important subjects.
Covers electronic and print publications from the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the United States Federal Government published since 1976.
This very elaborate multi-tiered database has more than 20,000 Renaissance Documents (inventories, guide books, lives of artists, archival documents, etc.) related to more than 10,000 Antique Monuments (sculptures, architecture, vases, etc.) that are accompanied by 30,000 photographs or illustrations. The collection of images includes: drawings, sketchbooks, paintings, engravings, sculpture, medals, applied arts, etc. The database can be utilized for its collection of images, but more extensive information is provided in the database. Monuments, their preservation history, provenance history, and other relevant information are accompanied by bibliographic citations.
The catalog of the Center for Research Libraries which has a large collection of primary sources and other unique materials. CRL collections are available via Interlibrary Loan.
The Central and Eastern European Online Library repository offers full text literature in the fields of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts from Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe.
UDB-CAC includes 30 newspapers from Central Asia and the Caucasus. Most newspapers are in Russian. There are five English language newspapers. The Times of Central Asia covers the five countries (-stans) in Central Asia; the other English language newspapers issue from Georgia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, there are also two Uzbek-language and one Tajik-language newspaper.
This is a journal knowledge service system designed for users from all levels and types. It integrates retrieval, reading and downloading of journal literature. It supports comprehensive and in-depth retrieval of journal literature and full-text content, and provides original reading services and full-text downloading functions. Whether for study or scientific research, it can provide you with abundant and accurate literature. Currently the database consists of more than 6,500 domestic journals in China, in which more than 1,100 core journals and over 600 exclusive journals are included.
Provides searchable access to current statutes, administrative regulations, case law, forms, practice guides, journals, newsletters, and legislation in the areas of tax and finance. This link supports 35 concurrent users, but does not allow users to save research trails and results. Individual passwords that allows users to save research trails and results can be requested at the Wheat Law Library Reference Desk. Law students and faculty have priority for individual passwords. Requests from other members of the University are considered on a case by case basis.
The most influential African American newspaper which had more than two thirds of its readership outside of Chicago.
Access the online version of the 17th edition of The Chicago Manual of Style.
Provides access to full page and article images with searchable full-text from 1849-2010.
Full-text electronic versions of Chinese academic periodicals in Series F: Literature/History/Philosophy (1915- ) and Series G: Politics/Military Affairs/Law (2005- ). Except for those journals in the Century Journal Project, most journal coverage is limited to the above subscription starting year to present. Please note that searches may retrieve articles outside KU's full-text coverage which you will not be able to download. Please use Interlibrary Loan service to request these materials.
To access the English interface to the database, please click here.
Technical Requirements: Full text may be downloaded using Acrobat Reader with Simplified Chinese font pack for Adobe Acrobat Reader (please click here). is a Chinese language legal information database covering laws and regulations, cases, and law journals from the People's Republic of China. "In the database you could find all the laws and administrative regulations, ministerial rules, judicial interpretations of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, judgments, local regulations and rules, Chinese-foreign treaties and pacts, economic statutes of Hong Kong and Taiwan, legal documentations, as well as the protocols of China's accession to the WTO and the annexes thereof, reports of the Working Committee, Chinese and English texts of the legal documents of the WTO and the amendments to Chinese laws and regulations after China's accession to the WTO." For the English language version, please click here. The English version does not include all of the content from the Chinese language version, but the coverage is very extensive. System requirements: Internet Explorer browser.
Full-text Chinese e-books and reprint journals covering a variety of subject areas published since 1900 with the majority after 1949. Page image and its full text (with provided OCR tool to convert image to text) can be printed one page at a time.
The premier source for reviews of academic books, electronic media, and Internet resources of interest to those in higher education.
With the exception of publishing one religious article each day at the request of the pioneering Mrs. Eddy, The Christian Science Monitor provides secular, balanced coverage of international news and events, as a public service.
This online version features daily reports on developments in higher education, information technology, and distance education. The full text of the current issue of The Chronicle is available every Monday morning, following the Friday print publication. The site features an archive of more than 12 years of The Chronicle. You can access the Chronicle via your smart phone by setting up a free Chronicle account using your KU email address.
A comprehensive source for theory and research in international affairs with scholarship ranging from university research institutes, NGOs, foundation-funded research projects, conferences proceedings, books, journals and policy briefs.
CiNii Research, provided by the National Institute of Informatics (NII), is a simple interface that allows users to cross-search not only books and journal articles but also research data from external collaborating institutions and institutional repositories. See the list of databases incorporated in CiNii Research.
Archive of official publications and primary source material related to civil rights in the United States from segregation to women’s suffrage to discrimination of all kinds.
A collection of newspaper articles from the Civil War era that includes the following collections: “A Newspaper Perspective,” “The Soldier’s Perspective,” “The General’s Perspective,” and “A Midwestern Perspective.”
A collection of popular movie periodicals from the archives of Filmoteca de la UNAM in Mexico City. It includes chief magazines such as Cinema Reporter (1943-1965) and Cine Mundial (1954-1955). It also features extremely rare copies of El Cine Grafico from 1935 and of the weekly El Mundo Ilustrado (1902-1910). The true extent of the popularity of Mexican film is illustrated by Cinelandia (1931-1947), which was published in Hollywood both in Spanish and in English. This collection also includes dozens of film flyers, which were distributed on the streets to lure people into the cinema. Finally, this collection gives access to the personal scrap books of Fernando de Fuentes (1894-1958), one of the leading Latin-American filmmakers to this day.
This important African American newspaper is known for its coverage of the Scottsboro Trial.
Includes clinically oriented monographs on all U.S. drugs; off-label drug uses and dosages; thorough coverage of new and investigational drugs; hard-to-find drug information on IV admixtures and nutritional products; nutraceuticals, such as herbal products and trace elements. Features include extensive indexing, cross-referencing, and linking for optimum searching; printable OBRA compliant patient information; product identification feature with life-size color photos of dosage forms; unique patient profile identifying potential drug interactions, adverse reactions, allergy and contraindication precautions; therapeutic duplication; and medical condition/drug therapy mismatches.
Search Elsevier’s current medical and surgical content including: First Consult, journals, medical and surgical books, videos and images.
A collection of databases that contain high quality evidence to inform healthcare decision-making, including systematic reviews, technology assessments, economic evaluations and individual clinical trials.
This resource is supported through collaborative efforts between the KU Libraries and the KU Medical Center.
Brings together primary source documents from around the world to shed new light on this crucial period in world history, from technology to terrorism, immigration to international politics.
The collected papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, American philosopher, logician, mathematician, and scientist - known as the "father of pragmatism."
Drawn from the records of the British Colonial Office, this collection contains resources covering 25 islands from 1624-1832. Among the topics covered are rivalries among other European colonizers, absentee landlords, the rise and decline of the slave trade, and start of the abolition movement.
Indexes poetry in anthologies. Some poems are full-text, others are excerpts. Also includes short biographies of selected poets, comments on poems and poets by well-respected scholars, and a poetry glossary.
Indexing and abstracting for nearly 600 titles, nearly 300 of which full text. Also provides a Communication Thesaurus and biographical information.
Features nearly 300 full-text periodicals covering topics such as telecommunications, electronics, and the Internet.
This resource is supported through collaborative efforts between the KU Libraries and the State Library of Kansas.
Historical economic indicators from 1959 to the present, used by governments, CEOs, economists, risk and portfolio managers, and others who track economies and markets. The datasets available in Excel include: Leading Economic Indicators; Consumer Confidence Indices; Employment Trends Indices; Measure of CEO
Confidence Indices; Total Economy Database; and other research reports on economics and markets, leadership, and high-performing organizations.
Provides content covering all areas of health and wellness from mainstream medicine to complementary, holistic, and integrated medicine. Full text content available to reference books, images, videos, and consumer health related periodicals.
This resource is supported through collaborative efforts between the KU Libraries and the State Library of Kansas.
Documentary video collection on global themes, humanitarian, and environmental issues, such as pollution, child trafficking, refugee camps, LGBTQ+ rights, and indigenous people’s movements.
This database includes more than 900 full texts from the Middle Ages, including chansons de geste, poetry, theater and religious texts.
This database includes more than 1000 narrative texts - novels, tales, and stories - from Chretien de Troyes to Marcel Proust and Alain-Fournier.
A complete source for in-depth, analytical reporting on the most current and controversial issues. Each entry includes a broad overview of the subject, including the historical background and a discussion of the current controversies and initiatives.
Cancelled due to budget constraints. Access retained to 1923-2024. NOTE: On the publisher’s website, the Publication Date range is 2006-present by default, however, if you click on the page arrow to "Go to the last page," you’ll find that content goes all the way back to 1923.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact us.
Authoritative information on current members of Congress as well as detailed state and district information plus information and data on campaign finance, partisan caucuses, standing committees, and other member facts.
Ceased publication with 2018 (the 115th Congress) edition. Access retained for 2010-2018.
Online, digital version of the print handbook of the same title. Searchable across tables and chapters, this resource provides access to physical science data, and physical property data of common compounds, both inorganic and organic. (Restricted to 2 simultaneous users.)
The database covers five publications from the Crimean peninsula, three ongoing and two discontinued titles. Active publications included "Krymskaia Pravda" (The Crimean Truth), a Russian-language regional daily based in Simferopol with extensive coverage of the region's primary political and economic developments and digital archives back to 2004; "Krymskie Izvestiia" (The Crimean News), which is the official newspaper of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea with digital archives available from January 2019; and "Slava Sevastopolia" (The Glory of Sevastopol), which covers political news, economic updates, cultural events, and sports coverage, with archives back to 2013.
Database of citations to major international journals in criminology and related disciplines; extensive coverage of books, dissertations, and unpublished papers; and reports from government and nongovernmental agencies. is an authoritative source for looking up an article’s DOI or other metadata. A simple search is available through this interface and more complex searches may be submitted via this web form.
Current Digest of the Russian Press (UDB-CD) provides weekly selections of Russian-language press materials, carefully translated into English. Translations are intended for use in teaching and research. They are therefore presented as documentary materials without elaboration or comment, and state the opinions and views of the original authors, not of the publisher of the journal.