Contains references to journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference reports, publications of international agencies, microfiche, Internet material, and more about public policy and work affairs. The archive provides a historical perspective on many of the 20th century's public and social policies.
The Parker Library at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge contains 538 Old English and medieval manuscripts. This database provides full digital copies of each manuscript along with thousands of citations to the relevant secondary literature on the manuscripts.
The site Free Access to Pascal and Francis is an archive of the PASCAL and FRANCIS bibliographic databases in science, human and social sciences, produced by the Inist-CNRS since 1972.
Databases of U.S. patents, including patent grants (full text since 1976, full-page images since 1790) and patent applications (published since 15 March 2001). To view the patent images, a plug-in is required. For links to free TIFF plug-ins, please click here.
Streaming documentaries and programs from the Public Broadcasting Service. Coverage runs from the 1970s to present day, and spans a wide range of topics including history, science and technology, diversity studies, business, current events, and biographies.”
Full text of the Pennsylvania Gazette, as well as the Pennsylvania Genealogical Catalog and the Pennsylvania Newspaper Record.
Provides indexing, abstracts, and selected full-text from many sources, covering film, theater, dance, stagecraft, television, and more. Full-text ranges from 1864 to the present.
This collection contains resources related to Congressional hearings regarding relocation and internment during World War II. The database includes not only transcripts but publications, photographs, reports, and other documents from both Japanese Americans and Aleuts who lived in the camps as well as various types of professionals who worked in or have studied these camps.
Provides information on undergraduate and graduate programs at colleges and universities. Includes scholarship information and test prep materials.
Features content from the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) textbooks, an interactive NAPLEX review, case studies, and news sources.
This resource is supported through collaborative efforts between the KU Libraries and the School of Pharmacy.
The oldest continuously published daily black newspaper in the U.S., conveying ideas and opinions about local and national issues affecting blacks in the post-emancipation period, and today continues to serve the country's fourth-largest African- American community.
A bibliographic database with author-written abstracts covering scholarly research in all fields of philosophy, published in journals and books.
PhilPapers is an index of philosophy research literature that currently includes entries for over 2 million books and articles. The index and accompanying open access archive are also integrated with a structured bibliography that organizes its entries into over 5,000 topics.
The Pittsburgh Courier was once the most widely circulated black newspaper in the U.S. in the early 20th century. Through the decades, writers and intellectuals such as D.E.B. DuBois, Marcus Garvey, James Weldon Johnson, Zora Neale Hurston, and others wrote columns and reported for the newspaper.
Platino Educa's online platform offers unlimited access to hundreds of Spanish and Ibero-American movies, classified by subjects and covering themes across the Environment, Social Sciences, Language and Literature, Arts, and Social Justice.
Find citations to some 30,000 plays published individually or in collections from 1949 to the present. Covers a wide range of plays written in or translated into English, including one-act plays, pageants, plays in verse, radio and television plays, and classic drama. (Restricted to 1 simultaneous user.)
Cancelled due to budget constraints. Access expired November 30, 2024.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact us.
Provides online access to abstracts and if available, links to full-text articles on public policy research and analysis from think tanks, university research programs, research organizations and publishers.
This archive of primary sources contains over 600,000 scanned pages and 42 oral histories. The types of sources range from propaganda to government records. The extremist groups included are involved in movements such as those related to religion, race, gender, the environment, equal rights, and peace.
Includes both a national and international perspective of political science topics, drawing from scholarly, professional and peer-reviewed sources, and offering considerable full-text content
A compilation of questions and responses from national, state, local and special surveys, conducted by polling organizations in the United States and other countries.
The Bibliography of Polish Literature includes information about Polish authors, world literature, literary theory, themes, criticism, theater, film, literary life, and Polish actors and directors. The bibliography indexes books, articles, reviews, interviews, plays, as well as TV and radio broadcasts, providing annotations and covering the years 1988-2003.
Documents the music, pastimes, public figures, and technology that played a role in defining different eras of the last century.
Includes printed and manuscript sources, visual material, ephemera, and video clips. Covers music, TV, movies, fashion, youth culture, student protests, civil rights movement, and women's liberation.
This collection of primary source materials from the Wiener Library and The National Archives of the UK and covers the politics and administration of the refugee crisis in Europe after World War Two. Among the topics included are refugee camps, Jewish orphans, and the British military in Germany.
Translated articles from the official Communist Party newspaper of the Soviet Union.
This online portal provides access to recordings and annotated transcripts of telephone conversations of Presidents Johnson, Kennedy, and Nixon. There are also photos, videos, an interactive timeline, and the ability to search all included content.
Provides 165 full-text scholarly journals in the social sciences and humanities for the interdisciplinary academic study of Hispanic and Latin America and the Caribbean Basin. Articles are in English, Spanish and Portuguese, and examine all aspects of Hispanic Studies. Works together and complements HAPI (Hispanic American Periodicals Index). Also offers full-text key titles indexed by HAPI.
Includes full text journal articles from some of the most important journals in the field of education and library science and contains U.S. Department of Education reports.
This resource is supported through collaborative efforts between the KU Libraries and the State Library of Kansas.
Provides online access to current issues of selected scholarly journals in the arts and humanities, social sciences, and mathematics.
American Physical Society's Physical Review Online Archives. The complete archive consists of all of Physical Review back to 1893, all of Physical Review Letters back to 1958, and all of Reviews of Modern Physics back to 1929.
Articles from the official news agency of the People’s Republic of China, translated into English.
Provides comprehensive access to U.S. legislative information, including congressional publications and documents, statistics, current members of Congress and congressional committees, and regulatory and statutory information.This database also includes a component 'Executive branch publications from 1789 to 1932’ covering topics that span business and industry, foreign trade, navigation, immigration and population, health, causes of death, religious affiliations, military operations, and weather conditions.
Provides online access to over 3.8 million dissertations and master's theses with 1.7 million available in full text for immediate downloading. Citations are available for dissertations dating from 1861 and full text online from 1997 for over 1,000 schools submitting to the ProQuest UMI database.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers provides searchable access to full-text and full-images from some of America's most important newspapers.
This aggregated databases searches the digitized archival collections provided by ProQuest. KU’s subscriptions include the NAACP Papers, the Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century and the FBI Confidential Files and Radical Politics in the US.
ProQuest legislative insight module A is a Federal legislative history service that makes available thoroughly researched compilations of digital full text publications created by Congress during the process leading up to the enactment of U.S. Public Laws.
This resource is supported through collaborative efforts between the KU Libraries and the School of Law.
A comprehensive research database that provides access to a vast collection of scholarly journals, ebooks, dissertations, news articles, and videos across multiple disciplines that are international in scope.
A comprehensive database designed specifically for education research, offering scholarly journals, books, videos, reports, dissertations, and news articles.
Includes statistical data produced by the U.S. government; international intergovernmental organizations, professional and trade organizations, business organizations, commercial publishers, independent research organizations, state government agencies, and universities. The KU Libraries subscribe to the Tables collection, the American Statistics Index (ASI), and Index to International Statistics (IIS) modules. ASI abstracts and indexes federal statistical publications dating back to 1973. IIS abstracts and indexes key statistical titles from international organizations dating back to 1983. Among these organizations are the United Nations, the European Union, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the World Bank.
Features DSM-V and the American Journal of Psychiatry from American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. Full text access is available to resources such as DSM-V, DSM-V Handbook of Differential Diagnosis, and DSM-V Clinical Cases and other psychiatric textbooks and journals. Does not include DSM I-IV.
Provides full-text journal articles, many of which are indexed in PsychInfo. The content in this database is especially strong in child psychology and counseling services.
This resource is supported through collaborative efforts between the KU Libraries and the State Library of Kansas.
Contains citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, books, and technical reports, as well as citations to dissertations in psychology and psychiatry. The journal literature spans 1887 to the present. Indexes journal content published by the American Psychological Association that is available through PsycARTICLES. Current chapter and book coverage includes worldwide English-language material published from 1987-present.
Provides access to psychological tests, measures, scales, surveys, and other assessments as well as descriptive information about the test and its development and administration.
Covers the Published International Literature On Traumatic Stress. Produced at the headquarters of the National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Includes citations to literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental-health consequences of traumatic events.
Indexes essential areas related to public administration, including public administration research, public administration theory, administration and economy, administration and politics, administration and society, administrative structures and organization, public and social services, and public service personnel. Coverage dates back to 1964.
Journal citations and abstracts collected from the life sciences literature from 1947 to the present. Over 4,800 journals are indexed in the areas of clinical medicine, biomedicine, and health care.
"The U.S. National Library of Medicine's digital archive of life sciences journal literature. Access to the full text of articles in PMC is free, except where a journal requires a subscription for access to recent articles."